『 時代に合ったおいしいもので幸せに 』
『 上質だけど気取らない、身近な、楽しい時間をみなさまにお届けします 』
“Offrir des moments de plaisir de qualité et de simplicité”
Aiming for “a constantly evolving Patisserie” Criollo is a Patisserie created by French-born pâtissier Antoine Santos. Please enjoy Chef Santos original creations, channeling the French tradition and unique sense of patisserie with his love for Japan.Chef Santos signature is the care given to the textures. Crispy is really crispy, fluffy is very fluffy, and creamy is even creamier. Criollo aims to be a patisserie perpetually evolving with the flow of time, in accordance with our management philosophy “Aiming for happiness with creations matching modern tastes”. We made one of those “modern tastes” our personal challenge: low-carb sweet creations.

- 2010.【日経新聞お取り寄せクリスマスケーキランキング】カフェ・プラリネ・ノワゼットが第1位に選ばれました
- 2011.【楽天主催 O-1(オーワン)グルメ決定戦】カフェ・プラリネ・ノワゼットが金賞を受賞
- 2015.【日本テレビZip!東京23区極上モンブラン】第1位が第1位に選ばれました
- 2017.【ぐるなび接待の手土産】焼き菓子特大箱セットが特選に選ばれました
- 2017.【Eストアー 2017AUTUMN ネットショップ大賞】スイーツ部門第1位に選ばれました
- 2017.【Eストアー 2017GRANDPRIX ネットショップ大賞】スイーツ部門第1位に選ばれました
- 2018.【東急線 いい街AWARD】クリオロ中目黒店が総合部門7位に選ばれました
- 2018.【第48回日本Web大賞!】コーポレートサイトがNWUS 協会デザイン賞を受賞
- 2019.【お取り寄せネット みんなで選ぶベストお取り寄せ大賞2019】で幻のチーズケーキがスイーツ準大賞を受賞
- 2019.【gooランキングセレクト チーズケーキのおすすめ人気ランキング21選】幻のチーズケーキが第1位に選ばれました
- 2020.【日本テレビ バゲット 1000年スイーツ遺産】ニルヴァナが紹介されました




From Ecole Criollo to “Criollo” Ecole Criollo first started on April 2000, as a patisserie school for professionals and amateurs.“Ecole” is the French word for “school”. “Criollo” is the name given to the best and most delicate type of cacao beans. In May 2013, we unfortunately decided to close the school to focus entirely on the expansion of the shop, whose popularity was increasing drastically. Along with this refocus we decided to change the name and “Criollo” was born. In May 2016 we moved the Senkawa Station flagship shop to bigger location in order to create headquarters including a shop and a creation studio (laboratory). We chose a place a 3-minute walk away from Kotake-Mukaihara station’s Exit 3, a station next to Senkawa. Actually, Kotake-Mukaihara is the place where Ecole Criollo was first born as a pastry school in April 2000.


Sweet, luxurious moments in everyday life We decided of a new brand concept summed up in those words “Familiar Luxury”. We want you to enjoy our creations as a luxurious moment that blends well in you everyday life. Our true wish is that you can easily access our sweet creations in local and familiar shops while still being high-class. We aim to be a shop that, upon visit, moves you and gives you emotions induced by “a sweet fragrance”, “a line-up of sweets”, “a degustation”.The brand name and logo were changed in line with the renewal of the headquarters. The logo has been redesigned into a combination of warmth and subtlety. We would like to work with you to create wonderful patisserie, and we look forward to your continued support. We will provide information about our new creation launch and shop on Facebook, Instagram and on the “Event & News” page of this website. Please feel free to visit!